Restoring the Pillar Facings at the Eikenbary-Pierce House
At the close of the work day today, we could start to visualize the finished exterior, so very different from our earlier memories of it as a white house, still grand but sorely in need of repair. The structural part of the porch “pillars”are hefty, square internal beams that support the second-floor wraparound porch. The decorative facing gives a stronger stylistic appearance to the pillars and is an original element of the Craftsman style epitomized by the Eikenbary-Pierce House.
Project design consultant Mick Deviny meticulously painted and fitted the pillar cap pieces together. It took considerable measuring, fitting and adjustment to achieve the right fit. “I observed much of the process today from my home near Boston, via the live webcam,” said EPH Newsletter editor Charlotte Pierce. “It’s a fascinating glimpse into the restoration process. And Henry and Mick work so well together; you can tell they’re longtime friends.” Those interested in viewing the action on the webcams can sign up on the EPH contact form for the link and access code.
Here are the latest among the steady stream of visitors to the Eikenbary-Pierce House.
Virginia Maridel Carter surprised the crew by bringing and planting flowers to enhance the look of the Little Free Library. “This is the kind of outpouring of interest and generosity that fuels our enthusiasm and keeps us going,” said project director Henry A. Pierce III.
The quarterly Newsletter is a popular item among Little Free Library visitors. Receive a newsletter and a link to our live webcam by joining our secure mailing list.
Some visitors bring books, others borrow a book. Some stay to chat and learn more about the Craftsman home restoration, enjoy refreshments, or sign the guest book.